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Club Rules

At Tri-County Microd Club, we want the children to have a fun time and compete in a safe and fair environment. To accomplish this, there are rules that need to be followed and even changed at times.

The Board of Directors always put the children first when it comes to the rules. Each of the items below will help you to understand the expectations in place for all members of the Tri-County Microd Club. Please take the time to read and share them with your racers, pit-crew and people visiting the track.


Have an idea that will improve the level of safety, fun or fairness for the children? Click on the link below and give us your suggestion.

Thank you for your time,

TCMC Board of Directors

Each link below will provide a race family all the necessary information to become or maintain membership in the

Tri-County Microd Club.

Feel free to contact us if there are any questions. We can be reached on Facebook or email.

Technical Specifications

Every effort has been made to ensure the specifications are as accurate as possible. TCMC reserves the right to consult with professionals who will answer questions when we find a potential error or discrepancy that is not a direct result of modifications or aftermarket upgrades.

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© 2020 Tri-County Microd Club

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